Live with Gratitude

Hey love! When was the last time you took stock of what you have and who you are? As I wrapped my last week up handling some personal affairs and spending this long weekend with family, the word gratitude continued to come to mind. As I reflect on where I am in my life and the things that are happening around me, I could be down, we could all be down, but instead we are standing strong and weathering all the storms coming our way.
We all face challenges and most of us face them head on and come out on top. Some of us lose battles but. As we end one week and begin another, I want you to take inventory of your life. If you’re reading this, then start with the life you are still living. Then go on and think about the people in your life, the lessons you have or are learning, and the even the things and people you lost. There is always something to be thankful for, even if its small. Find that thing and cherish it until you have more.
Love Always,